I never realized how much of a momentous year kindergarten is. It's more than just starting a hourney of 12 years of schooling. It's all the firsts. It's almos like a baby's first year of life. Tere are so many first steps. First field trips without mom along, first time eating in a cafeteria, being away all day from mom, first Halloween parade and carnival at school, first Thanksgiving dressing up as Inidans or Pilgrims, making friends that mom hasn't previously been friends with their moms, word that they read, book that they deciphered... and so many others.

After all the school year is only half over. So for now there was the A to Z Thanksgiving. Anna's parts were the first intro lines of the program and then she did the letter v. She did so well!

She colored her vest and did her head band. She was so proud of it and let us know all about it a week ahead of time!.. She did really well at the program.